Your Opinion Matters

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comments. To say "Thank You" for participating, we will send you "Interview Tips"
compiled by Executive Recruiters for over 40 years if you provide your email
address along with your opinion.

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Full Name:
City, State, Country:
Email Address:  
Date Attended: (MM/DD/YYYY)
Time Started: (HH:MM AM/PM)
Did the Webinar start on time?  Yes   No
Could you hear the speaker well?  Yes   No
Were there enough breaks?  Yes   No
Were the breaks long enough?  Yes   No
Were the visuals and graphics done well?  Yes   No
Comments on visuals:
What part did you enjoy most? Please be specific.
What part did you enjoy least? Please be specific.
What could the Speaker have done to make your experience better?
Would you be interested in providing us with a Quote we can use?
We will only use your first name and last initial with your City & State
(John S., Anytown, ST)

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